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Project Charter

    The project charter serves as the bases for our project. It outlines our goals for our project. The idea behind the project charter is so that the community partner and sustainers are on the same page on what the project the project will entail.

    When I started to make this document i was confused about what information went into the document.  The feedback that i got on the project charter help me to change the mistakes that had in it.

Safety Poster

The safty poster represents the need for safety practices in our product. My poster showed how safety equipment is essential in an agricultural setting. . The poster was fun to make because it aloud me to be creative. By making the poster I became aware of the safety issues and made me more cautious while working.

Work Breakdown Structure

I used the Work breakdown structure to help plan out the steps necessary for our gleaning event. I broke down the steps that the last sep would be the gleaning event. I used a material list to keep track of all the tools and things I would need for the project. the hours list helped me determine how long each step would take to complete. This was very helpful because it showed me how long things actually take to complete.  I defiantly was confused on some of the blanks so I left them blank.


I used GBS as a way to outline the main goals of the project. The GBS showed the steps and Sub steps needed to complete these steps. this method was not helpful to me. for me seeing it in a list is much clearer. 

Budget Estimates

The budget for our project was small. This was because we already had all the resources we needed for our project.  I like how the form allowed us to visually see how much money we were going to be spending on on our project. I believe that our budget estimate will continue to change as our project grows.

Contingency and Risk Analysis

The contingency and Risk Analysis was used to help outline problems and issues that that might show up in our project. It was very hard to fill in all the blanks for this. This form made me think critically about problems that might arise in our project.

Ganatt Chart

The Ganatt Chart confused the heck out of me. I think it was because it was in a format that I had never used before. I work better when everything is in a list form because to me it is organized better. 

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