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Julianna's Reflections

Project Charter
The Project Charter serves as a document to out line our project goals and mission. The purpose of this document is to make sure that both sustain students and community partner have the same mission for collaboration.
While first creating this document I was confused about what information went in each category. I did my best guess to include proper information. The feedback I received for Liz was very helpful. Her feedback was clear. I was able to update my charter including the write information in each section. I don’t feel like the peer review was that helpful. I got some feed back on spelling mistakes but that was about it.
The project charter helped me to define my goals of the project. It made me sit down and think about what I hoped to accomplish. I have not shared this document with my community partner. I think that it would make me feel more accomplished if both parties were to sign the agreement.

Safety Poster
I enjoyed making my safety poster. I liked the creativity that we got to express. In my poster I included the importance of wearing the right clothing and increasing awareness of the equipment we are using. I think the purpose of this assignment was to increase are awareness of the possible dangers our project contains. It made cautious and me more aware during our gleaning events. I made sure to wear closed toed shoes, long pants, and bring gloves. Overall I think the safety poster was a way of reminding students to be safe while working on their projects.

WBS Package
  I used the WBS Package as a way to outline our project and the steps we are going to take. We broke down the steps so that our end product would be holding a gleaning event. We used the material as one way to keep track of the cost and materials we would need. The hours helped us frame how much time we would be putting in to each event.
I found this event as another way to plan out our project. It was an alternative way to look at our steps we needed to do. I was also a little confused though at the purpose of some of the rows and I left them blank. I am also not sure if we totally complete the form correctly.

I used the GBS as a way to outline the main goal of my project, steps need to reach that goal and the sub steps that go with those steps. I really liked this method. For me it created a clear visual of what needed to be done in each step. I think O could have kept doing sub step after sub step.  The list could have been endless but I liked the clear visual format this this formed created.

Budget Estimates

The budget Estimate form was used to keep track of what we spent and what we planed on spending. This form helped make sure our costs were going to be a reasonable amount of money. It helped us visually see how much total money everything was going to spend. This formed helped make sure all members of the team were on a consensus of spending. Sometimes dealing with money can be an uncomfortable topic. This formed hopefully will help avoid those situations. I think that this form will continually be changing but we will always be aware of how much we spend.
I liked this form. I felt like it was a good way to keep track of how much money we were spending with out project. I know that each person has his or her own values for how to spend money. It can get uncomfortable if someone buys something and then wants reimbursement and others disagree. I hope this form will help everyone be on the same page of what we are spending money on.  

Contingency and Risk Analysis
The contingency and Risk Analysis was used to outline problems that might arise in our project. This was different from the safety poster as it focused on overall problems that might arise. For our project we found it a little difficult to come up with more than 3 things for each category. This form really made us thing about problems that might arise. Originally we were just thinking about problems but not actually noticing the problem they could occur. This list could help us solve or prevent potential problems.

Ganatt Chart
The Ganatt Chart really confused me because it is not a form I am familiar with. I work really well when I look at objectives in list. This challenged me to look at the goals in a different way. My group member ended up doing most of this form and for some reason I still can’t really grasp and understand it. For the way I interpret things some of the other forms worked better for myself.


For my sprint I choose to create it after a day in my life. I wrote down everything I wanted to accomplish and how much time it would take. I had a difficult time creating the graph but I think it was because of the program I choose. I liked how i was able to outline everything in bullet points and then translate it to a graph. 

After Action Review

The after action review helped me to debrief the project. I liked how it allowed me to reflect on what was planned and then what actually happened. It was a good tool for planning out to solve any problems that did arise and how to avoid them next quarter. 

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