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Backyard Harvest


Group: Julianna, Kelton, Regina, Cecily, Janet

GleanSlo currently works to Glean farms, fields and orchards. They donate their collections to the Food Bank Coalition is San Luis Obispo California. The gleaning process relies on a number of volunteer that give their time to collect. They respond to email notices and provide their own transportation to these events.
GleanSlo focuses on large-scale operations as apposed to smaller scale gleans to be more efficient in the amount of produce they can donate. With the limited number of organizers and volunteer GleanSlo tries be the most efficient they can be.

Previously GleanSlo tried to enact neighborhood gleans. This program had great values and incentives. They wanted to collected produce that was going to waste in people’s yards and donate it to the food bank. Due to GleanSlal being a small non profit organization they couldn’t keep this program running. It became more efficient to glean at farms, fields and orchard. GleanSlo would greatly appreciate support in restarting up a neighborhood gleans

GleanSlo is still very interested in supporting neighborhood gleans. They would greatly enjoy support and organization in setting up these gleans. Sustain students are very interested in working with GleanSlo to set up this program. The goal of this project would be to create a backyard harvest-gleaning program. This would allow gleaning to occur in neighborhoods where some residents don’t use all the produce they have growing in their yard. The produce would be donated to the Food Bank colliotion or other non-profit agencies. In addition sustain and GleanSlo can work together to create an efficient backyard harvest program.

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